
When Gordon put his hands on me, he sensed my past experiences in pictures/short stories, especially from my childhood, that were still affecting my life. He helped me see how these early situations had created patterns in my relationships and influenced my daily choices. Through his guidance, I began to understand why I kept attracting similar partners and situations and how to finally break free from these old patterns.

Gordon's insights allowed me to see recurring situations more clearly and understand why they kept happening. Now, I feel more confident in recognizing what I want and do not want, making better decisions, and avoiding the same mistakes. With his help, I have gained clarity and confidence about the direction I want to take in my life.

I am very happy I got to know Gordon and his amazing work. Thank you.


"I met Gordon at a seminar—an encounter that enriched my life on many levels and deeply moved me."

What the mind cannot explain, I was able to experience firsthand in my own body. At that time, I was trapped in a deep emotional hole, filled with darkness and hopelessness.

Without the need for words, Gordon saw what was happening within me and helped me find my way out of the valley of darkness.

In just one session, I was able to understand and release old emotions and deeply ingrained patterns—
as if countless scattered puzzle pieces finally came together into a clear picture.

A few weeks later, I developed shingles, and Gordon reached out to me.

Through additional profound sessions, my healing process accelerated noticeably—even on a physical level.

With his empathetic and intuitive approach, Gordon creates a space of trust, making it easy to open up and face even the most difficult memories—and let them go.

Since working with him, I feel lighter, freer, and more hopeful—
not because life is suddenly free of challenges,
but because I can now face my experiences with new awareness and greater ease.

I am infinitely grateful for this encounter and for Gordon's incredible work.



Nervousness and Herniated Disc

Before receiving your contact information, I struggled with severe insomnia for four weeks—I could barely sleep, sometimes not at all. Sleeping pills weren't a long-term solution due to the risk of dependency. My head was buzzing, I felt exhausted and desperate. Drops, Schüßler salts, and acupuncture didn't help either.

Then, I was given your phone number. You called me the same day, and I immediately got an appointment. I had no idea what to expect and felt extremely nervous, but I was relieved that something was finally happening.

Incredible! After just the first treatment, my mind felt clear again, and my frayed nerves had calmed—all without sleeping pills or other medications. I felt reborn.

During the sessions, I suddenly noticed that the numb area on my thigh, which had been unresponsive for over a year due to two herniated discs, was no longer numb—it was well-circulated again! I was completely shocked and amazed.

I feel like a new person. Talking with you is wonderful, and I can ask you anything.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Soft Tissue Rheumatism

I suffered from soft tissue rheumatism for 15 years, and the hospital became like a second home to me. It all began when I was just 2 years old.

At 18, I heard about Gordon and decided to call him. He welcomed me as a joyful, warm-hearted person full of life. I told him about my struggles, and during our conversation, I could feel—both in my body and heart—that I had come to the right place.

Gordon explained that the treatments could be painful, as healing itself can sometimes hurt. After the first treatment, I was completely pain-free—unbelievable! For the first time in 18 years, I felt free from pain.

Gordon described the process as if scraping rust off the bones, and honestly, that's exactly what it felt like. After four sessions, I was able to stop taking my medication. The pain was gone.

After 2–3 weeks, some pain returned, but I noticed that it felt different. By the 11th treatment, I was completely pain-free and could quit my medication altogether. I even felt ready to start working again.

To complete the healing process, we did a Soul Reading—and yes, there was a lot to work through.

I cannot thank you enough, dear Gordon, for everything you have done for me.

With all my heart,


Herniated Disc

In July, I suddenly developed severe shoulder and neck pain, along with numbness in my right hand. Unfortunately, the condition did not improve, and after visiting the doctor, I was diagnosed with a herniated disc. I was prescribed painkillers and sent home, but despite the medication, the pain and numbness persisted, significantly limiting my daily life.

My sister then told me about someone she knew who worked with the body's energy channels. I immediately scheduled an appointment with Gordon.

But the greatest pain of all was that my husband passed away just before my appointment. I was completely paralyzed with grief.

After our first conversation and session, I felt so much better—I was amazed. Gordon is incredibly positive, takes every person seriously, and provides unwavering support, no matter the challenge.

At my next appointment, I brought my son, who had suffered a serious head injury from an accident and was struggling with learning difficulties as a result.

After five sessions, I could hardly believe it—the pain was gone, I no longer needed medication, the numbness had disappeared, and I felt like a completely new person.

Even my son showed noticeable improvement at school. Subjects like math and other lessons became much easier for him.

Gordon supported us during an incredibly difficult time, and for that, we are deeply grateful.

We highly recommend his work!

With heartfelt thanks,

"Doris & Michael"