About me

My Path to Healing and Spirituality

Sometimes, life leads us down unexpected paths. My journey began with a profound turning point—an accident in 1997. A fall down the stairs resulted in a lumbar vertebra fracture, and the attending professor told me that I would never walk again. But I refused to accept this prognosis. Instead of taking painkillers, I chose to fully experience the pain and heal myself through meditation.

After six weeks, I was able to walk with crutches; after ten to twelve weeks, I could even walk unaided. This experience opened my eyes to the realization that the human body is capable of far more than we are taught in school or university.

From Pain to Healing – Understanding the Power of the Body

Despite this breakthrough, my journey was far from over. In the 2000s, I suffered from severe irritable bowel syndrome, which frequently led to hospitalizations. The pain was so intense that doctors administered up to 60 mg of morphine—yet I was still able to speak. It was a life-changing encounter with a natural healer and the wisdom of Ayurveda that finally helped me heal my gut.

For the first time, I truly understood the importance of what we put into our bodies—which foods are harmonious, which are not, and how to truly nourish ourselves.

A Deeper Spiritual Journey – India and the Wisdom of Ayurveda

In 2009, I began a profound journey into spirituality, which led me to India in 2012. There, I had the opportunity to experience Ayurveda firsthand, and I decided to fully immerse myself in this ancient healing tradition.

I studied at the Rosenberg Ayurveda Academy in Bierstein, specializing in nutritional therapy, Vedic psychology, and various massage techniques. This period was transformative—I didn't just study healing, I experienced it on an entirely new level.

A Sacred Encounter in India – The Hanuman Temple in Hampi

One of the most defining moments of my journey deeper into healing happened in India.

I visited a Hanuman temple in Hampi, which is usually inaccessible, as it is guarded by monkeys. While other visitors were chased away by the monkeys, something extraordinary happened to me. I experienced what felt like a spiritual invitation.

I approached the leader of the monkey group, stroked him gently, and he allowed me to pass. I entered the temple, sat among playful baby monkeys, and began to meditate.

At that moment, I knew—my path toward healing and becoming a therapist had truly begun.

The Birth of Soul Reading

Since then, I have developed my own method of healing—Soul Reading.

By working with the Nadis, the body's energy pathways, I establish a connection to the soul and subconscious mind. This allows past experiences, emotional blockages, and unresolved traumas to surface, so they can finally be processed and released.

My clients are often astonished by the depth of this work—there are no more secrets once the soul is ready to open.

My Greatest Realization

There is more to life than mere self-preservation. Our spirit connects us to the truth that life holds a deeper meaning.

We innately know that people matter more than things and that relationships are far more rewarding than the possession of material goods.

The more we grow personally and extend our hands to serve others, the more we are inclined to be kind to one another. Every person has a birthright to live freely—free from trauma, blockages, and fear.

My deepest desire is to help people discover this freedom. To help them see themselves clearly, open their hearts to love, and embrace the beauty of life with open arms.

This is true healing.